A Birth Mother’s Story

Hi, today I decided to share my journey with you guys. If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy in Florida and feeling discouraged or confused, I am hoping this will help in the decision you make.
I always pictured myself to be married before I decided to have children, but we all make mistakes and slip up sometimes. When I first found out I was pregnant, I was almost four months along, still having spotting periods not noticing the changes in my body. I did not have any morning sickness or any other symptoms except for gaining weight, which I did not start until I was six months in.
I knew I was not ready to be a mom physically, mentally, or financially. I did not want to put my child in a position where they would suffer because I would not be able to provide certain things, but I also did not want to go to the clinic. One day I sat down and decided that I wanted to be able to bless someone who could not have children. I looked up a few adoption companies and I connected with an amazing woman that led me through the whole process.
Less than a month after sending in my information to Heart of Adoptions and filling out paperwork, I was sent a few waiting adoptive families and connected with my first choice. It was amazing. We connected off our first phone conversation. I felt like I knew them my whole life. I knew at that moment this was who I wanted my child to be with for the rest of his life. I knew they would love him just as much as I did. They made me feel like I can conquer the world even though I was going through this process hiding the pregnancy from my family. I talked to them (the adoptive family) almost every single day and we built a relationship that made me even happier. I could never repay them and their family for giving me so much faith, help, and strength.
I delivered at 38 weeks and 1 day. I decided to do a water birth and was in labor for four hours (although it felt like two). Every single push I took, I could hear their voices telling me that I am strong and that I could do this. I wanted the adoptive family to be a part of the birth process because we had built a relationship and they were family to me.
My son is about to be a month old very soon and I do not regret my decision. It is important to build a relationship with the adoptive family, so you know your child is safe and loved. I know he is loved and cared for by many and I will forever be grateful for them accepting him and taking him as he is. I am thankful for the adoptive family coming into my life.
This journey was just the beginning. I gained blessings that I was not expecting. The adoptive family was there for me every step of the way, not only because I was carrying their future child, but because they actually cared about me. To me, that meant everything. Words will never explain how grateful and thankful I am for them and for the Heart of Adoptions caseworkers that also helped me.