A Letter From Our Heart To Yours

A Letter to a Birth Mom from Your Adoption Caseworker
Dear Brave Birth Mom,
I just wanted to let you know how proud I am of you and the woman you are. I know what you are going through is so difficult, and I can’t even pretend to understand what you must be feeling right now, but please know that it will get better.
When your little one grows up, she is going to be strong, smart, selfless, and courageous- just like you. She will grow to know that these amazing qualities that define her are a direct result of the character of the incredible woman who gave her life. You are a hero, and do not ever think for one minute that your decision to make an adoption plan was the easy way out. This decision was the most loving, self-sacrificial choice you could have ever made for her. Your daughter will always know she is loved by you, and you will always be loved by your daughter.
You gave her life and a beautiful life to live.
Please know I am always here for you if you need anything at all.
Your Adoption Caseworker[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]