Moore to Love: An Adoption Podcast

About Moore to Love: An Adoption Podcast
The journey to adoption can be filled with twists and turns, legal terms, hard-to-understand concepts, and overwhelming emotions. Don’t go it alone! Board Certified Adoption Attorney and Host Nicole Moore will help you navigate your journey to adoption with guest hosts who have been there, done that, and will provide hope and inspiration along the way. Listen as Nicole speaks the truth about the love, law, and the learning process that comes with adoption. As an experienced guide, Nicole will show you that there’s so much Moore to Love in this brand-new Adoption Podcast.
Episode Nine – Avoiding Adoptions Fraud: A Cautionary Tale
After one successful adoption with a credible Adoption Agency, Kate and her husband decided they wanted to adopt again. This time they decided on a different adoption agency in their state. Kate and her husband were matched quickly but various requests and exchanges started to feel a little too fishy. After a drained bank account, false promises, and refusal to let them speak to the agency-appointed attorney, Kate knew she had to reach out to a trusted Board Certified Adoption Attorney to get advice.
Join us as we unravel the horrors that Tara Lee wreaked upon countless families before her arrest was made via the FBI. Thanks to Kate and some other vigilant adoptive parents, Tara’s adoption scandal was uncovered and poses as a cautionary tale to all that finding a reputable adoption agency is the most important thing a family can do on their journey.
We would like to thank Kate for sharing her story with us. We are in awe of her courage and perseverance, and we are grateful that she was willing to share her story as a way to help uplift and inspire others to keep going on their adoption journeys.
*This podcast is hosted by Jeanne T. Tate, P.A., and is not intended to, nor does it, create the attorney/client privilege between our host, guest, or contributors, and any listener for any reason. Content from the podcast is not to be interpreted as legal advice. All thoughts and opinions expressed herein are only those from which they came.