Dec 11, 2018

A Time Of Celebrating And Giving

December is a time for gift giving. It’s a time for remembering what is important and thanking those in our life that we value. It is a unique time for Heart of Adoptions because we are coming straight out of National Adoption Month. And in November, we have already done so much to celebrate what […]
Nov 26, 2018

A Great Friday For Forever Families

In the last three weeks, I have high-fived a stormtrooper, been startled by a six-foot-tall thunder bug and had my face painted. What carnival have I been frequenting you ask, oh, just your local county courthouses. On three separate Fridays, I have been in three county courthouses celebrating Adoption Day ceremonies
Nov 08, 2018

Two Very Brave Girls

Heart of Adoptions Alliance is fortunate to have many loving families that are open to welcoming children into their home that have medical challenges. During National Adoption Month, we like to feature one or two of these families to be among the official recipients of St. Frances funds. Matthew and Andrew and Alec and Bart […]
Searching For Her Daughter In Modern Ways
Oct 30, 2018

Searching For Her Daughter In Modern Ways

As a birth mother, I have been involved in searching for my child. I don’t mean just recently, either. I started the search when she turned 18, over 25 years ago. Like much of our technology, even this process has changed significantly. At some point early on, I joined a support group that met once […]
The Adoption Triad From All Sides
Oct 23, 2018

The Adoption Triad From All Sides

It’s blog time again. (I just can’t resist that word, blog.) To connect the dots, I’m the staff birth mom and I’m still fairly new to the job. For a bit of background, I’m a part of the adoption triad. Not the usual, adoptive parent or adoptee, but I am a birth mom. I say […]
Aug 24, 2018

Ik Spekt Engels

The first few days in the Netherlands were amazing, but there was much more to see and do. Monday came and another train ride- to Rotterdam as we had a bit of a change in plans- that may have brought the best day ever! We spent the day with a family that adopted about 2 […]
Aug 23, 2018

Love Was The Common Thread

When you are offered an opportunity to travel half-way around the world, expenses paid, to get to meet families that you had a hand in helping to build as well as to meet families waiting to grow through adopting what do you do?? Oh- and where Dutch is the official language, but you only speak […]
A Day To Celebrate No Matter What
Aug 08, 2018

A Day To Celebrate No Matter What

The birthday of your child, how do you celebrate such a special day? The day your child was born? The day you probably got to hold him for the first time? And for a birth mom, it’s the day that you knew your child would not be going home with you. A birth mom may […]
Jul 31, 2018

A Mile In Their Shoes

My experience as an adoptive mother comes in to play a lot when dealing with our clients. I got into this whole field as a way of giving back or saying “thank you.” There are no words to express our gratitude to our daughters’ birth moms for the amazing gifts they gave us in allowing […]