Apr 18, 2018

The Privilege Of Watching Them Grow Up

One of the highlights of my job is keeping in touch with the adoptive families after placement and receiving updated photos and videos of the children. We get to see quite a bit of our kiddos when they are babies in the hospital, little bundles all snuggly in thier stocking caps.
Mar 19, 2018

The Sweet Time In Between

We love our kiddos. All our kiddos. But for all our preparation, for thought, and care, it is not for us to spend much time with them once they come. If we do our job well, than the child should pass from the birth parents arms to the adoptive parents arms, (and a few nurses […]
Mar 02, 2018

Adoption from the Other Side

When I was first asked to write a blog I thought, “What a strange word?” Sounds a bit like it should be the title of a B rated horror flick. For a bit of background, I’m a part of the adoption triad. Not the usual, adoptive parent or adoptee, but I am a birth mom. […]
Using Legos To Build A Better Team
Jan 16, 2018

Using Legos To Build A Better Team

You know how sometimes it is the little things that get you excited? For me those things are never having to pay full price(Coupon Queen), a belly laugh from my quiet introverted daughter, and Peach Fresca,the be all, end all of liquid beverages. I’m also really excited about our upcoming staff meeting/team building. To take […]