COVID-19 and Adoption in Florida

The adoption journey is never easy. It’s always an emotional experience. However, amid the global COVID-19 pandemic, e-learning, stay-at-home orders, and court closings, both birth parents and couples hoping to grow their family through adoption in 2020 face uniquely different circumstances than others have experienced in the past.
On average, just over 100,000 adoptions take place in the United States each year. This means that since the state-wide lockdowns began in March, there should have been around 54,000 adoptions. While we don’t have the real-time numbers of adoptions completed during this past six-month period, it’s certainly lower than in previous years.
Heart of Adoptions, Inc is working in various ways to support both adoptive families and women facing an unplanned pregnancy in Florida during these strange times. Most of our staff are now working remotely, however, we still have members of the team in at least one of our offices every day.
Several Ways Our Agency is Working Around COVID-19
- For prospective adoptive parents, we offer information sessions over the phone to be scheduled at your convenience. We also scheduled virtual information sessions in the upcoming months.
- Finalization hearings and post-placement visits are being handled via video conferencing technology and we can help get you set up with these as needed.
- For expectant parents and current clients, your caseworkers are all still available to you through phone or video conferences, emails, and face-to-face visits if needed.
We are all working our way through this new normal. Like you, we’re adapting the best we can and doing our best to continue to support hopeful adoptive families and birth parents. If you have any questions, please give us a call. We will help you work through the adoption process while working around your county/state restrictions.
We’re available 24/7, 365 days a year at 1-800-GO-ADOPT