Help Us Bless Our Brave Birth Moms

A family in Utah, whose heart was touched by adoption, decided to make something special to say “Thank You” to birth moms everywhere. They created the Brave Box. These beautiful wooden boxes are inscribed with the word “brave.” This is how they explain their decision:

“There is really no way or words that can describe the action of a birth mom! These brave boxes were started because we adopted our son, Gus, in 2012 and realized how selfless this group of people really were.
The courage and love that birth moms give a child and another family are second to nothing else. This box is a very small thank you for choosing life, for choosing love, and for choosing bravery.
From our heart to yours THANK YOU. You are loved and you are brave!”
Along with the note, the boxes contain $40 dollars in gift cards!

Help us bless our birth mom’s with this sweet gift by making donations. You can make a donation to the “Brave Box Fund.” We will draw from this fund to purchase these boxes for our amazing birth moms. Or if you would like to sponsor a box for a specific birth mom, then send a full donation of $55 and let us know the name of the Birth mom you are wishing to sponsor. All checks can be made out to Heart of Adoptions Alliance, Inc.
Our birth mom’s blow us away every day with their courage. We are excited about this new way to say thank you!