Shopping For A Good Cause

Oh there is power in Amazon. Where else can you find unicorn headphones, perfect throw pillows, and discount Legos. And now that shipping can be as quick as same day, the possibilities are endless.
But what if there was a way to order your trinkets for the Easter basket, and at the same time, help a family to adopt?!?
Well now there is. AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will usually donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice.
But for a limited time, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 1.5% of the purchase price from your first eligible AmazonSmile purchase!
When your selecting a charity we suggest Heart of Adoptions Alliance. The moneys you donate will go towards the St. Frances fund. The St. Francis fund changes the lives of sick children.
Heart of Adoptions Alliance is fortunate to have many loving families that are open to welcoming children into their home that have medical challenges. But in these scenarios the cost of adoption can be overwhelming.
The St. Frances Fund can assist with covering adoption related costs. Not only that, but St. Frances Fund can assist with medical expenses for special needs adoptions.
Some of the little ones we have helped have had muscular issues, skeletal defects, cardiac trouble, and brain damage. These unique children have found treatment, support, and hope, with the help of St Frances Fund.
1.5% of every Mickey Mouse watch, or glow in the dark paper clips, or shopkins bedspread can go toward helping sick kiddos find their forever home.
Such a great opportunity!