The Best Way to Honor St. Valentine

February 14th—Valentine’s Day—is most often associated with love, flowers, cards and of course, those delicious heart-shaped-message candies. While we all love to indulge in the love spread around on Valentine’s Day, do we understand the history behind it? Or better yet, do we celebrate in such a way to honor the history behind it?
Saint Valentine was one of the least documented saints in history. In fact, some of the most notable things we are able to gain about Saint Valentine include that he was constantly surrounded by roses, most likely this is the reason that flowers, specifically bouquets of roses, are so idyllic as gifts for loved ones on Valentine’s Day. More than the roses, Saint Valentine is most famous for his healing abilities and the way he introduced the tradition of Valentine’s cards. During the rule of Emperor Claudius II in Rome, Saint Valentine was sentenced to jail time; while serving his time the jailer asked Saint Valentine to help his daughter who was blind by reading to her. Saint Valentine and the jailers’ daughter became very close, so close in fact that before Saint Valentine was killed he wrote the daughter a note and so the first Valentine’s Day card was born!
It is clear that the special bond Saint Valentine had with this young girl was something to be remembered. I cannot think of a better way to honor the history of Saint Valentine than by sending Valentine’s Day cards to kids who, like the jailer’s daughter, also going through a medical issue in which a Valentine’s Day card would definitely help brighten their spirits.
Listed below are a number of children’s hospitals in Florida in which you can send Valentine’s Day cards and like Saint Valentine, you too can help brighten a child’s day.
Ronald McDonald House Charities – Tampa Bay
Nicklaus Children’s Hospital – Florida
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital – Florida
Another way to honor St. Valentine would be to donate to our St. Frances Fund. Around this time of year, Carey Hill and Charlotte are on our mind. These sweethearts are the kiddos that we sponsored with St. Frances Funds this year. Read more about their brave journey.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]These little girls can find treatment, support, and hope, with the help of St. Frances Fund. Having financial assistance for the care these girls need allows the parents to focus on being there for their child and advocating for their health.
These monies are provided as interest-free loans and grants to adoptive parents. Heart of Adoptions Alliance, Inc. is a 501(c) (3) corporation and all donations are tax deductible. Please send your contributions to Heart of Adoptions Alliance, Inc, 418 W. Platt St. Suite C Tampa, Florida 33606 or via Pay Pal to [email protected]