Two Very Brave Girls

Heart of Adoptions Alliance is fortunate to have many loving families that are open to welcoming children into their homes that have medical challenges.
During National Adoption Month, we like to feature one or two of these families to be among the official recipients of St. Frances funds.
Matthew and Andrew and Alec and Bart are our families this year. They each adopted a special little girl. Both girls were born about 16 weeks early, and are strong, brave, and beautiful. Their names are Carey Hill and Charlotte.

Carey Hill was born 16 weeks early and faced several significant challenges upon arrival. With an incredible team of doctors and nurses at Winnie Palmer Hospital, along with love and support from her family, she continues to be a strong, courageous, and dynamic baby girl who’s thriving at home and is ready to take the world by storm.

Charlotte was born at just 24 weeks and five days. She has been a fighter since day one, overcoming many obstacles with the loving care of her doctors, nurses and other medical staff at Winnie Palmer Hospital as well as her two dads, Bart and Alec. Charlotte spent more than three months in the NICU. Her dads spent as much time as possible by her side nurturing her and learning as much as possible from the NICU staff. After a long stay, Charlotte was released from the hospital on her biological sister Ellie’s first birthday. Today, Charlotte is doing very well settling into her new home in the Netherlands with her two dads and her big sister.
Both these little girls have received doting care from their parents. One or more parent was always present. When Andrew is away from Carey Hill, he sends a recording to Matthew of him reading a book, so Carey Hill can hear his voice. The girls both have crocheted octopuses to snuggle. They hold on to the tentacles as they would their umbilical cord if they were still in the womb, as it helps comfort them.
Caring for a baby in the NICU is a large ordeal for a family. In the words of Dr. Gregor Alexander, a neonatologist at Winnie Palmer Hospital “To care for babies at such early stages of life takes a lot of determination, time, and commitment.” He further stresses the importance of having the parents closely involved, “having the parents touch the baby and talk to the baby, and eventually hold the baby has a great impact on the survival of the baby.”
The St. Frances Fund has assisted with covering adoption-related costs and medical expenses for special needs adoptions. These little girls can find treatment, support, and hope, with the help of St. Frances Fund. Having financial assistance for the care these girls need allows the parents to focus on being there for their child and advocating for their health.
This assistance would not be possible without people just like you that help contribute to worthy causes, such as this. Corporations and individuals who have a heart for adoption can greatly assist with this need by making a tax-free donation to Heart of Adoptions Alliance, Inc.
These monies are provided as interest-free loans and grants to adoptive parents. Heart of Adoptions Alliance, Inc. is a 501(c) (3) corporation and all donations are tax deductible.
We are hoping you will join our giving circle: a group of people whom we believe will help these families and these sweet girls grow up strong and healthy.
Please send your contributions to Heart of Adoptions Alliance, Inc, 418 W. Platt St. Suite C Tampa, Florida 33606 or via Pay Pal to [email protected]
Thank You! You’ll never know just how much your support means to a family.