Using Legos To Build A Better Team

You know how sometimes it is the little things that get you excited? For me those things are never having to pay full price(Coupon Queen), a belly laugh from my quiet introverted daughter, and Peach Fresca,the be all, end all of liquid beverages.
I’m also really excited about our upcoming staff meeting/team building. To take the day to pull the core staff out of the office for an entire day to do training is such a luxury and a rarity.
I have worked at many places and with hundreds of staff over the years, but this group we have here at Heart of Adoptions is truly amazing. It is a pleasure to lead and guide them as we help birth mothers and adoptive families with their adoption journey. As an adoptive mother to two daughters, I know firsthand the power of adoption. This field has truly become a passion for me, and working with a staff that shares that kind of passion is an honor.
We will kick off the day with adoption law pointers from our founder and owner, Jeanne T. Tate, followed with some guidance from myself, as the executive Director of the company.
We will move away from the direct learning of adoption law and practices and take some deeper insight into our work and communication styles. We will have workshops led by Robin Lavitch of Surpass Your Goals. After having heard her speak at a previous seminar, as well as the Florida Adoption Council Conference, the staff is super excited, especially about the Lego Workshop. She never disappoints!
We will finish the very end of the afternoon doing some marketing projects for the offices as a teambuilder. This time allows the staff from all five of our offices to spend some time sharing stories, advice, and work questions with each other before we part ways.
I am so thankful that we completed over 150 adoptions last year and we’re looking forward to another year of adoption miracles!