What to Expect When You Adopt an Infant: A Guide for New Parents

Whether you’re an adoptive parent or a biological parent, nothing quite tops the excitement of preparing to bring a newborn home. As an adoptive parent, this excitement can feel extra intense based on all the preparation you’ve gone through to meet your baby.
While your adoption journey might be coming to a close, a whole new journey of parenthood awaits. So, what can you expect when you adopt an infant and finally get to bring them home?
Your Entire Life Will Change Overnight
Bringing an infant into your life calls for a major life change, quite literally, overnight. Adopting a child means adapting in every way to accommodate what your new life looks like with a baby.
The fact of the matter is that raising a baby is hard work. It’s filled with many magical, memorable, and special moments, but there’s no denying the challenges you’ll face along the way (especially in the first few months).
It’s important to be open to these changes and accept that your life will never be the same once you walk through your front door with your precious baby.
Bonding Might Come Naturally, or Not
There’s no doubt you’ve spent many hours envisioning your life with a baby and what type of parent you’ll be. But the truth is, you never really know until you’re living it.
You don’t have to be a biological parent to love and form a bond with an infant, but for some people, this might come naturally, and for others, it might be a slow burn. Both of these experiences are normal.
It’s important to be realistic about this and give yourself some grace if your bond takes longer to form than you thought it would.
Prepare for Fatigue
The sleep deprivation you experience when you become a parent to a newborn is unlike anything else you’ve experienced before. This reality might sound daunting, but it’s important to prepare yourself for a whole new level of tiredness.
Try to remember that the sleepless phase of your life is just a phase. It’s a season of life that will pass, and before you know it you will feel rested again.
Adoptive Parents Can Get the Baby Blues
Postpartum depression and anxiety are not only reserved for biological parents. As an adoptive parent, you could experience what’s known as the baby blues, too.
It’s only natural to experience an emotional high when you bring your baby home. You’ll be in a newborn bubble for a good few weeks. But for many new parents, this bubble can pop and result in feeling very low due to a range of factors. This might include sleep deprivation, feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, and the weight of the responsibility of raising a baby.
Try to remain aware of how and why you’re feeling a certain way and seek support if you need it.
People Will Ask Questions
Not everyone will know, understand, or even agree with your reason behind adopting a child, but that’s none of your business. It’s a common reality to receive questions and comments about adopting, about the birth parents, and how much of a role they’ll play (if any).
Remember, you’re under no obligation to answer unwanted questions. At the end of the day, it’s your adoption journey and all that matters is that you love and raise your child in a happy home.
Is It Your Dream to Adopt an Infant?
If your dream is to adopt an infant, this is where Heart of Adoptions can help you on your adoption journey, from start to finish. We tailor our adoption services to your unique needs and ensure your journey to bringing a child home is as efficient and comfortable as possible.
If you’re hoping to adopt, learn more here.