Will I get paid to put baby up for adoption in Florida?

Facing an unplanned pregnancy in Florida is never easy, but it’s certainly more challenging when dealing with financial hardship. Heart of Adoptions Inc., hopeful adoptive families, and even the courts understand this and believe that women facing an unplanned pregnancy should be entitled to some financial help, as it could affect their ability to work or live in their current residence or to care for family members.
Heart of Adoptions, Inc. provides financial support to all qualifying birth mothers who are creating an adoption plan. We can assist with obtaining insurance to cover your pregnancy-related medical needs. Financial help is available for items such as clothing, rent, utilities, and other pregnancy related expenses allowable under Florida law.
One common question we get on this topic is, “Will I get paid to put baby up for adoption in Florida?” The answer is simply, no. It is illegal in Florida to get paid for adoption. However, as we’ve discussed, you can recieve help with pregnancy-related expenses. The adoptive family you choose to place your baby with will also cover all legal expenses.
If you are pregnant and considering adoption in Florida, Heart of Adoptions would be happy to speak with you. One of our adoption caseworkers would walk you through the entire adoption process, advocate for you, and get you the assistance you need during this time.
Phone: (800) GO-ADOPT
Text: 877-202-9624